In the fast-paced realm of cloud computing, connecting to an AWS EC2 instance seamlessly is paramount. This guide unveils a hassle-free method to establish a connection without the need for SSH keys, ensuring efficiency and security.
Say goodbye to the traditional hassles of managing SSH keys. This section introduces a groundbreaking approach to connecting to your AWS EC2 instance effortlessly.
Discover the advantages of opting for an SSH-free connection. Streamline your workflow and enhance security with this revolutionary method.
To connect to an AWS EC2 instance without using SSH keys and instead leveraging AWS Systems Manager (SSM), you can use the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager feature.
Session Manager provides a secure and auditable way to access your instances without the need for SSH keys.
To Connect an AWS EC2 Instance with no SSH Keys, you’ll need to follow a few key steps:
Step 1: Create a IAM Role For EC2 Instance.
Log into the AWS Account >> IAM >> Roles >> Create role >> choose EC2 in use case >> Assign AmazonSSManagedInstanceCore policies >> assign role name >> create role
Step 2: Attach IAM Role To EC2 Instance.
- Go to EC2 under Services.
- Click on Running EC2 Instance.
- And Go to Action Click on Security under Modify IAM Role

- Choose IAM Role that you Created.
- And Click Update the IAM Role.

Step 3: connecting to EC2 server via Session Manager
- Now to see if IAM role policy attachment will enable AWS users to connect to EC2 server, again select the EC2 instance and press Connect button.

- connecting to EC2 server via Session Manager which does not require any ports.

- Click Connect button on Session Manager tab to access to remote server via browser.
- You can see I could connect successfully and executed the “hostname” command on the Linux server on AWS to get the host name which also displaying me the internal IP address of the EC2 instance.

In addition to connect EC2 server from EC2 Dashboard, AWS users can also use the AWS Systems Manager console.
- On AWS Systems Manager console, on the left main menu, you will see Session Manager listed under the group Node Management

- An Session Manager screen, AWS users or operation engineers can see the list of active sessions or can create a new session using the Start session button.

- When you click on Start session button, on “Start a session” screen filter to find the target EC2 instance that you want to connect via Session Manager and click on “Start session” to connect via browser.

- You can see I could connect successfully and executed the “hostname” command on the Linux server on AWS to get the host name which also displaying me the internal IP address of the EC2 instance.

Frequently Asked Questions for AWS EC2 Connection without SSH Key
Keyless authentication enhances security by eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with traditional SSH keys.
Organizations may encounter initial configuration challenges and the need for user training during the transition.
Yes, keyless authentication is applicable to all AWS EC2 instances, providing a versatile and secure solution.
Keyless authentication on AWS does not incur additional costs beyond standard AWS service fees.
In conclusion, this guide has illuminated a path to connecting to an AWS EC2 instance without the need for SSH keys. By embracing a keyless approach, you not only simplify your workflow but also elevate the security of your cloud environment. Follow the steps outlined here, and unlock a new era of accessibility and efficiency in your AWS endeavours.